Emmanuelle Defresne recently joined our team! She will be the regional co-coordinator in France, along with Marie Henry.
Inspired by the author of ‘The man who planted trees’, Jean Giono, Emma lives in the same village as the author once did. Emma tells us that there, in the small village of Vachères, France, “every plant is precious”.
In the 1960s, her parents bought the house, in ruins, but surrounded by beautiful nature. In this wild environment, she had easy access to nature. The beauty of nature inspired her!
Emma moved away from the village for a long time. After her parents passed away in 2014, she and her husband, Eric, returned to the village to take care of family matters. Accordingly, they also became the new owners of the home, which needed a lot of renovation.
The village used to be quiet, Emma recalls. Thanks to the book of Jean Giono, ‘Regain’ an interest was sparked in young visitors, who come to re-live the history of the village. Starting 2022, Emma’s home will be available to rent for travelers and visitors of the area.
Thank you for joining us and for sharing your beautiful story, Emma!
If you speak French, reach out to Emma to find out how you can get involved with the Global Tree Initiative: Emma@Plantgrowsave.org