About us

Our Partners

Cooperation and Collaboration

Working together we can do more than we could ever do working alone.

Just as a bunch of puzzle pieces spread on a table make more sense and paint a better picture when they are fit together, that is how we feel about our partners. Each of our organizations has our jobs to do. However, when we combine forces, we can accomplish great things. We might even change the world.

From our Partners

Welcome to our new partner, Devrai

We are excited and honored to announce our new Global Tree Initiative (GTI) partner; Devrai from India!

National Tree Day celebrated in Australia

On August 6, our community in Australia celebrated National Tree Day! In celebration of this day, our Australian coordinators, Mark and Jill, helped to coordinate a tree-planting day at our partner, Atisha Buddhist Centre.

Developments from our Australian partner, Atisha Buddhist Centre

Mark tells us that they are applying for funding to create a “honey and native bee pollinator garden” around the Kadampa Stupa.

International Youth Day: Inspiration from Zimbabwe

On August 12, we celebrate International Youth Day! This brings about an excellent opportunity to hear from our Regional coordinator in Zimbabwe, Jussa Kudherezera, who is also the founder of Manica Youth Assembly (MAYA).

‘Outstanding Inner Peace’ prize awarded to our partner, The Wellbeing Planet

Congratulations to Dr. Koncha Pinos, the director of The Wellbeing Planet, for winning the 2023 Outstanding Inner Peace Prize at the Luxembourg Peace Prize Awards!

A message of appreciation from our partner, Manica Youth Assembly

We are honored to share a heart-felt message of appreciation from our partner in Zimbabwe, Manica Youth Assembly!

WYD Global Race, an event by JMJ Lisboa 2023

The main goal will be to reduce the carbon footprint of the WYD. If you choose to participate, you will be contributing to reforesting degraded land in Portugal.

Thank you for collaborating with us, Aryatara Institute!

We are happy to announce our official partnership with Aryatara Institute in Germany! Aryatara Institute has been collaborating with us since the early days of the Global Tree Initiative (GTI).

Welcome to our new partner, QS World Merit!

The Global Tree Initiative (GTI) partnership with QS World Merit was  celebrated on Friday, August 12, with an inspiring webinar launch of the Trees for Merit Global Tree Planting Challenge.

Welcome to our new partner, Fundação JMJ Lisboa 2023!

The idea of forming a partnership between the JMJ and the Global Tree Initiative was born while meeting with this inspiring group of people. Restoring degraded land by planting trees was already on the table for the organizing committee so it was a natural fit.

Agroforestry Carbon


Aryatara Institut


Atisha Buddhist Centre




Climate Change Children’s Voices


Dakini Rising


Devrai Foundation


Green Future


Hirwai Social and Educational Organization


JMJ Lisboa 2023


Kind Dish


MAYA: Manica Youth Assembly


Medicine Buddha App


Ocean of Compassion Buddhist Center


QS World Merit

UK & Wales

Science Wisdom Live


The Wellbeing Planet






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