Food for Thought, May 2024
Food defines us – what we eat, how we eat it, how many times a day we do so! Our diets and the way they evolved have deep historical, cultural, and even religious roots, making this a sensitive topic for many and a complicated target for change.
As within so without
We are well aware of the massive positive impact that planting trees has both on our environment and our physical well-being. So, I’d like to talk about less commonly explored side effects – the impact of planting trees on our mind, our mental health, and even on our perception of reality.
Food For Thought, April 2024
According to a WWF report, Bending the Curve, our diets are the leading cause of death all over the world. Unbalanced diets and lifestyles are responsible for the rising numbers of obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases.
Community Blog, March 2024
For this year’s theme, International Day of Zero Waste highlights the importance of supporting waste management worldwide and promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Ask me almost anything, March 2024
Wetlands are saturated with water, either permanently or seasonally. This saturation creates an environment with unique soil conditions and functions, which shape the adaptations of the plants that call wetlands “home”.
Traveling with Trees, March 2024
Jennifer is now back on a bi-monthly basis to tell us about her experience in Nature and with trees. Join us in welcoming and thanking Jennifer and her new column Traveling with Trees.
Food for Thought, March 2024
Paired with last month’s recipe, this one is inspired by the Tree Sisters which make a great combo both on the fileds and on our plates.
Taking Your Business Paperless for the Good of the Planet
These days, more and more businesses are going paperless to save money, and space, and improve their operations in today’s digital age
Ask me almost anything, February 2024
In our previous “Ask me (almost) anything” article, Mark was asked about bags around the bottom of the trees. Mark was not certain of the answer, and asked our community to help him with an answer.
Food for Thought, February 2024
This celebration comes with a unique opportunity to raise public awareness about pulses and the fundamental role they play in the transformation of a decaying food system.
A message from Tom Truty, CEO to the Universal Clear Light
Global Tree Initiative has evolved and is growing, with a stunning 4.5 million trees in hundreds of communities in 67 countries already having been planted. Truly a reason for rejoicing!
Ask me (almost) anything, December 2023
This month, our blog article with Mark will be a bit different. Instead of Mark answering a question from our community, Mark is asking YOU to give him some answers!
Pau Brazil, an endangered species from Brazil
Today, brazilwood trees occupy a significantly reduced area, when compared to their original range, being listed as an endangered species on both the IUCN Red List and the list of endangered species of Brazil.
Food for Thought, December 2023
The recipes below can be prepared to gift away or to present at your dinner table. Hopefully, it can serve as an inspiration for a less wasteful, more meaningful holiday.
The Story of Fred, the Florida Celebri-Tree
Kat wrote this month’s Guest Blog, introducing a very particular tree from Florida, USA. This tree has a name and is “a symbol of hope and resilience” to the local community.
Ask me (almost) anything, November 2023
For this week’s article, we asked Mark to please help us have a better understanding of the First Nation People (FNP) of Australia. We asked Mark to please help us understand how the FNP takes care of nature and the environment, and what we can learn from their age-old traditions.
The Impact of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life
Plastic pollution has a significant impact on marine life, leading to various negative consequences. Discover about some of them in this article.
Food for Thought, November 2023
I have been wanting to give making jam a try. Some of the available supermarket options gift us with a long list of unpronounceable ingredients and most of these options just have too much sugar.
Climate Change: Your Questions Answered
The Earth’s climate is ever-changing. We’ve already seen rising temperatures and new precipitation patterns arise over the years. But what is climate change? And how can you make a difference?
Ask me (almost) anything, October 2023
This year, World Food Day is celebrated on 16 October. Considering this, we wanted to hear from Mark about the intersection between tree planting and growing food.