Sea Turtles

Sea Turtles

Article by Ella Humphreys When I first swam alongside a green sea turtle around Lady Elliot Island, I was struck by the slow and easy way it pulled itself through the water with its front flippers. It moved above a coral and seagrass meadow teeming with fish of all...
Traveling with Trees, January 2025

Traveling with Trees, January 2025

Coconut Palms on Grand Bahama Island By Jennifer Troyan Exploring coconut palms in a tropical environment is always a fun experience. They provide sustainability and food, plus many uses for humans and other creatures. This particular pair of coconut palms is on Grand...
Grow a Living Tree for this Holiday Season

Grow a Living Tree for this Holiday Season

Grow a living tree this holiday season An article by Heather Falloon A decorated indoor tree is a holiday tradition for many who celebrate Christmas around the world, but in today’s growing climate crisis is chopping a tree per household the greenest option? Or...
A Living Gift

A Living Gift

Some time ago, we came up with the idea of planting trees as gifts instead of giving material items, aiming to help with conscious consumerism. Many organisations are also promoting tree planting, it is time for this practice of gifting trees to grow and become a...