by Kika Gusmao | Oct 17, 2022 | home, News, Partners
The second edition of the WYD Global Race is just around the corner. From October 20 to 23, lace your shoes and join this worldwide event. This race is an event by the JMJ Lisboa 2023 Foundation. The main goal will be to reduce the carbon footprint of the WYD. If you...
by Anrich Bester | Oct 3, 2022 | home, News, Partners
We are happy to announce our official partnership with Aryatara Institute in Germany! Aryatara Institute has been collaborating with us since the early days of the Global Tree Initiative (GTI). It was a natural progression to recognize each other mutually as partners....
by Kika Gusmao | Aug 15, 2022 | News, Partners
QS World Merit is a global charity working towards creating a more equal world. They inspire and empower changemakers by rewarding doing good with opportunities provided by their partners. The Global Tree Initiative (GTI) partnership with QS World Merit was celebrated...
by Kika Gusmao | Jul 27, 2022 | home, News, Partners
Fundação JMJ Lisboa 2023 is the legal entity behind the organization of the World Youth Day event (WYD) Lisbon 2023, happening in August 2023, in Lisbon, Portugal. The WYD is the gathering of the Pope with young people from all over the world. It is a time to connect...
by Kika Gusmao | May 23, 2022 | home, News, Partners
The Wellbeing Planet (TWP), a non-profit foundation based in the City of Knowledge in Panama, is our newest Global Tree Initiative (GTI) partner. The TWP was founded by Dr. Richard J. Davidson, scientific advisor, and Dr. Koncha Pinos, director. The mission of TWP is...
by Kika Gusmao | May 16, 2022 | home, impact, Partners, Success stories
Good Samaritan Support Action plants hundreds of trees in Kenya! Our partner in Kenya has been very busy planting trees! Susan Kanguha from Good Samaritan Support Action (GOSSA), tells us about their spring activity. “Recently, volunteers gathered to plant trees in...