Celebrating Independence Day by Preserving Nature!

On August 17, the Taman Daun community, from the island of Lembata, East Nusa Tenggara, celebrated 76 years of Indonesian Independence.

The coordinator of the community, John Batafor, took the initiative to start planting trees. As a celebration of Independence Day, they planted 76 trees!

Lynna Lestari, shares her story with us. “Not long ago Lembata was also hit by a volcanic eruption, followed by flash floods and landslides that increasingly damaged people’s lives and nature. Planting trees on our island is our small contribution to the world. This will not only help us but also save the future. Our ancestral tradition called ‘Gemohing’ (meaning gotong royong) is our spirit and power to continue planting trees together to make our island green. We hope our forests be part of the green lungs of the world, and also participate in tackling global climate change.”

In addition to planting trees for the benefit of our One Universal Family and our future generations, Lynna also has a special dedication. “I also want to dedicate this for His Holiness Dalai Lama” she said.

Thank you for inspiring us, and for supporting the green lungs of our Home.
We appreciate your story, efforts, and dedication!

Do you know where the island of Lembata is? Have a look at our Global Tree-Planting Map, and find the inspiring story and photos of the Taman Daun community: https://plantgrowsave.org/impact/

Are you planting trees for a special occasion too? Tell us about it, and inspire others: https://plantgrowsave.org/report/


Who:Taman Daun community
Why:People on the small island Lembata participated in joining global tree planting. We also want to dedicate this to His Holiness Dalai Lama.
Where:East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
When:August 17, 2021
What kind of Trees:Mahogany
How many:76

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