The Dalai Lama is considered one of the world’s most influential humanitarians. He stands as a symbol of peace, non-violence, and compassionate responsibility for humanity.
These are the values that are the inspiration behind the Global Tree Initiative. May the Dalai Lama continue to inspire us with moral leadership far into the future.
Climate change is a global problem. It affects all of us. This is a universal problem. Our ONE UNIVERSAL FAMILY is tackling the problem. Together, the Global Tree Initiative community has planted and dedicated 1,182,398 trees in 54 countries around the world. This is thanks to our One Universal Family!
We are dedicating this video to our three environmental heroes – the Dalai Lama, Greta Thunberg, and Desmond Tutu – for their continued guidance and inspiration.
Please, enjoy! We are delighted with what we are accomplishing together.
Remember to like the video and share it with your friends and family!
All original unedited video submissions are uploaded on the Global Tree Initiative YouTube channel. Please, check them out there.
If you missed the opportunity to contribute this year, please, keep planting, registering, and dedicating your tree(s), bushes and shrubs. Include all your fun photos and videos, so we are ready for 2023!
Please support us, so that we can keep on doing what we do best – growing our One Universal Family!