A whisper from the woods

Mewsings from Jorge (and me!), February 2022

Feb 14, 2022

Happy Valentine’s Day from Jorge – Love is all you need!

Interpreted by Jennifer Troyan (aka Mama)

I believe we are all connected. Everything! The birds, trees, and all beings. Love is what binds us. At least, this is my small cat perspective.

I hear Mama talk about this a lot. She says we are connected to things that we do not even think about. The plants and trees, animals, and people. She freely gives her love to me and others. I have been taking notice. That makes me feel connected to her.

From time to time, she reads to me. I feel so privileged to learn about everything she shares with me. She recognizes me as a living being, and not just a ‘cat’. Does this make sense? Having love and compassion for all beings.

Sometimes, I forget this. I attack a bug or a lizard that comes into the house. Mama says I should not do that. If she sees the bug or lizard first, she takes it outside. This annoys me at times, but I see what she is doing. She is so kind.

Mama talks about what fills her soul. I have been thinking that a soul is quite a big concept for a cat. Yet, I am learning.

What is a soul anyway? Different people and cultures give it different names.

I am talking about the ‘thing’ inside you that makes you YOU or makes me ME. Yet, not different. I think about this ‘thing’ that connects us all…

I have never been to the ocean.  Mama tells me it is a large body of water, covering most of the world.

I know about water. I have water in my bowl every day. I do not know how big the ocean is, or how big the world is.

She keeps filling my bowl every day. The water seems like it never ends. I think the world and the ocean must be similar, never-ending. Or are they?

She told me about a saying she heard, “Have you heard that you would need a mirror the size of the ocean to see all of your Light in its entirety?”

This is a pretty big concept for me to understand. I try. Every time she talks about it, I feel like I understand it just a little bit more. It is profound!

So, I have a hard time describing exactly what love is. It is undoubtedly a beautiful thing! Love… a peaceful feeling of contentment. It spreads over everything. I do not know if I could ever live without love.

Love helps us to trust, to understand.
Of course, treats help me to trust, too!
Maybe treats are another word for love.

It is amazing, this invisible sensation that is communicated with our eyes, with touch, and expressions of caring conversation. I think it is this invisible sensation that connects us.

My wish is that everyone on Earth feels the love that I do, and can give the love that I give, freely.

Even though I do not get out too much, I know that the trees, grass, and all the animals on Earth are very important. We are all part of One Universal Family. I hope they get the love they need to survive. Mama says this is important in this day and age. What do you think, my dear people friends?

Purrs and prayers to you all! May you all have the love that Mama and I have.

A note from Jennifer: Deep bow and be well everyone! Happy Valentine’s Day!


Quotes to enjoy:

Give. Even if you only have a little. ~ Buddha

Maybe you are searching among the branches for what only appears in the roots. ~ Rumi

Please share this. Thank you!


  1. Margaret Bachtler

    This is a most beautiful article! I love it!! The interconnectedness of all beings and love and compassion for all! Great reminder to me about how the universe works and how important loving kindness is. It isn’t just about ‘me’ or ‘you’. It’s about how all the components work together in harmony and are dependent upon each other. GTI ‘s mission of contributing trees to our planet helps to keep it thriving! The financial contributions enable this most important endeavor.

    • Jennifer Troyan

      Thank you for commenting. I’m so happy to hear you enjoy the message. Be Well, Jennifer

      • Debbie Padjen

        Jorge is so gorgeous!. I had a female Himalayan Versha for 8 years who looked like Jorge too. I love Jorge’s thoughts about his Mom. Yes, all loving beings are connected and everything is meant to work together. Everything that Margaret says above is so true. Jennifer tell Jorge that I was just like you about bugs. I will share my stories with you about my cat and the bugs when we get some time. Please continue to send the blog on and I will read it.

  2. Amy smith

    Love it!!!!! What a great perspective

  3. Alane Berdy

    I love this and both you and Jorge ❤

  4. Jennifer Troyan

    Thank you, Debbie, Amy & Alane! Jorge sends you purrs and licks.
    Big Love, Jenn 🙂

  5. Nana

    Thank you for this very kind and most beautiful article.

  6. Jennifer Troyan

    Nana, you are most welcome!
    – Jenn

  7. Tenzin Thomas Masami

    Jorge says:

    “Mama talks about what fills her soul. I have been thinking that a soul is quite a big concept for a cat. Yet, I am learning.

    What is a soul anyway? Different people and cultures give it different names.

    I am talking about the ‘thing’ inside you that makes you YOU or makes me ME. Yet, not different. I think about this ‘thing’ that connects us all…”

    Wow, souls and the special thing inside that makes me the unique individual that I am and makes you the unique individual that you are? It makes me, ME, and you, YOU, huh?

    Geeze. Too bad that Jorge and Mama haven’t encountered a qualified Buddhist teacher yet, to dispel their ignorance. To point out to them that it’s exactly that confusion that is the root of all of our suffering. I wonder where we can find a qualified Buddhist teacher… Anybody know a teacher who can help Jorge and Mama and other confused sentient beings as well? Or is everybody just too busy planting trees and having fun?

    • Jacie

      Thanks for taking the time to comment on Jorge’s post! In brief, neither Jorge nor Mama are Buddhists, but they do have open, kind, generous minds.

      The Global Tree Initiative (GTI) is not now a Buddhist organization. The Dalai Lama inspires us at a common-sense level to promote religious harmony and to work together to solve our shared woes. We are One Universal Community of brothers and sisters.

      The key quality needed to address our shared earthly problems is good motivation. This means compassion without dogmatism.

      Complicated philosophy is not necessary to have a good heart. At the Global Tree Initiative, we see each other as human brothers and sisters. We respect each other no matter where we live or what religion we practice or which customs we follow.

      As the Dalai Lama reminds us, a clean environment is a human right.

      Taking care of the environment one seed at a time, one tree at a time, from the ground up is not a matter of religious belief. We can survive without religion. We will not survive if we have no clean air to breathe or nourishing food to eat.

      We can forget about ourselves. We might outlive the big crisis predicted to befall our planet. What about our children and their children?

      All of us at the GTI are motivated to work together to Save THEIR future.

      Welcome and thanks for giving me the chance to chat!
      plant Your tree; grow Our forest; save THEIR future!!


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