A Living Gift
Some time ago, we came up with the idea of planting trees as gifts instead of giving material...
THANK YOU for joining our last webinar with Ven. Robina Courtin
Last Saturday, October 19, we gathered with Venerable Robina Courtin to talk about how to best deal with climate change and the anxiety so many feel because of it.
The Big Love Festival, Australia
The land surrounding Chenrezig Institute, once overgrazed and barren, has been transformed into a thriving forest by dedicated members and locals. Walking through the grounds, you can feel the harmonious coexistence of people, animals, and the majestic trees.
Welcoming Heather to our global community
We are happy to welcome Heather to our team of volunteers as our Regional Coordinator. Originally from the UK, Heather now resides in the Sydney area, Australia.
News from Global Tree Initiative Australia
Our new GTI coordinator, Ella Humphreys, has been very busy since joining our expanded GTI Australia Regional Coordinator group in January 2024.
Welcome to the team, Georges!
Welcome to your new role. We are delighted to have you on board Georges!
Food security and tree planting in Idjwi, DRC
Climate change affects millions of people every day. Some choose to leave their countries, while others decide to stay and make the most out of the difficult conditions of their environment. This is the case with FFF Idjwi and Ushindi.
Celebrate Earth Day with us!
On this Earth Day, three GTI team members came together to write this article in honour of the amazing planet we get to call home.
Congratulations, Beth! And thank you for joining us!
Beth is our South Island Global Tree Initiative (GTI) New Zealand coordinator and has been helping us around the Coromandel area. She has kindly taken the role of fundraising specialist for GTI.
International Day of Forests – Recording now available!
We counted on the insightful participation of 3 different speakers and all those who presented questions and contributed to the discussion. The recording is now available!
A warm welcome to Bengu, our new project coordinator!
Welcome to your new role, Bengu! We are very happy and thankful to have you here, and we are looking forward to a lot of exciting developments with you!
JOIN US this International Day of Forests!
We are coming together next March 21! Register below! In an online event, we will hear from three speakers who have been, in their own ways, dedicating their energy and time to reforesting different parts of our planet.
Global Tree Initiative’s community helps protect the rainforest in Australia
Here is a final update on the fundraiser conducted by Global Tree Initiative (GTI) Australia’s community.
Mark shares, “Our small donation will save about 60 mature and semi-plants as a forest habitat.”
Welcome to our new partner, Devrai
We are excited and honored to announce our new Global Tree Initiative (GTI) partner; Devrai from India!
An interfaith community based on harmony and mutual respect
“All religions offer help to humanity. Especially when facing difficult situations, all religions offer hope. Therefore, we must respect all religions.”
Living more sustainably with Chhaya Taralekar
Chhaya Taralekar advocates for more sustainable and simpler ways of living, with composting as a cornerstone of her activities.
Emma Defresne meets Ösel Hita at Vajra Yogini Institute, France
Later that year, during the Summer of 2023, Emma met Ösel, our founder, in Vajra Yogini. Emma shares it was a “nice surprise”.
Upcoming tree-planting project happening at Tibetan Children’s Village, Ladakh
“It was very fortunate to have some very energetic and committed Tibetan students that had heard about the planting project of the Tibetan Children Village (TCV) in Leh Ladakh, inspired by the Dalai Lama during his last visit to Ladakh. The Dalai Lama wanted to see more green in the area, as the Dalai Lama’s commitment to the environment is well known.”
News from our GTI Australia community
Last month, our founder, Tenzin Ösel Hita, visited our Global Tree Initiative (GTI) communities in New Zealand and in Australia, where he led Habit Alignment Key (HAK) retreats.
The year of 2023 in numbers
As we enter the final week of 2023, we are happy to present these numbers, inspired and made possible by YOU, our Global Tree Initiative (GTI) community!