As we enter the final week of 2023, we are happy to present these numbers, inspired and made possible by YOU, our Global Tree Initiative (GTI) community!
In the year 2023,
- 7 new countries joined our global community!
- Our GTI Instagram page reached more than 1,000 followers!
- The #WalkForTheTrees fundraiser in Australia covered 90 Kilometres over 4 days!
- More than 600 trees were planted and dedicated globally by our community on World Environment Day!
- More than 18,500 trees were planted and dedicated through a Global Tree-Planting Challenge, in collaboration with Fundação JMJ Lisboa!
- Our GTI Facebook page reached more than 4,000 followers!
- More than 10,000 trees were planted and dedicated through the Trees for Merit Challenge, in collaboration with QS ImpACT!
- Our GTI Website had more than 40 Success Stories published, more than 40 blog articles published, as well as 12 new articles under our education page!
- 231 new reports were submitted, and a total of 2,869,910 new trees and shrubs were planted and dedicated!
A very big THANK YOU to everyone who supported us this year, and to everyone who contributed in their own way to making this possible. We appreciate you!
If you are interested in more numbers, have a look at our latest Fact Sheet, below:
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