To benefit the inhabitants and all beings

On the 1st of September 2021, the Associazione Sangha Onlus, together with the Global Tree Initiative founder, Tenzin Ösel Hita, planted forty-four seed clay balls just outside of Pomaia, Italy on the site of an old quarry. These balls were planted with the intention of revitalizing the area for the benefit of the inhabitants and all beings.

The ‘Seed clay balls’ were planted in a road slope adjacent to the quarry. This specific area is reserved for a monastery, You can read more about the project here:

In this same location, the Dalai Lama planted Myrtis communis seeds in 2014.

On the 25th of September 2021, Lucia Pattarino from the Associazione Sangha Onlus sent an update: The first bud was appearing where Ösel planted the seed clay balls on the 1st of September! (see image below)

Visit the Associazione Sangha Onlus website to read more about their inspiring project, and to find out how you can volunteer with them:

Make sure to follow their Facebook page and stay up to date with their latest news: 


Who:Associazione Sangha Onlus & Tenzin Ösel Hita
Why:To benefit the inhabitants and all beings
Where:Pomaia, Italy
When:September 1, 2021
What kind of Trees:Clay Seed Balls (strawberry tree, alaterno, juniper, cistus, broom)
How many:44


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