22 Trees planted and dedicated in Paraná, Brazil
Earlier this summer, our Brazilian regional coordinator, Matheus Italiano, planted and dedicated 22 trees.
Matheus follows Lama Zopa Rinpoche, a Buddhist teacher from the Tibetan tradition. Matheus shares with us that Lama Zopa’s teachings have helped him greatly.
When Matheus discovered Lama Zopa was going through health issues, he thought it was a smart idea to do some good-hearted activities to dedicate to Lama Zopa’s long and healthy life.
Matheus gathered a group of people. Together, they planted 22 trees!
Matheus tells us that he “dedicates these trees to Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s long life and so that all people who are sick can be freed from their suffering.”
What a beautiful intention! Thank you for your good heart, Matheus!
It is not just what you do. It is what you think when you do something that makes a well-rounded action. The first step in the Global Tree Initiative’s Four Pillars of Planting is to set a good motivation.
Read more about our pillars here.
Thank you for giving us such a great example, Matheus!
Who: | Matheus Italiano & friends |
Why: | I dedicate these trees to Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s long life and for all people that are sick can be free from their suffering. |
Where: | State of Paraná, Brazil |
When: | July 17, 2022 |
What kind of Trees: | 1 Mangifera indigo, 8 Eugenia uniflora, 2 Caffea arábica, 1 Citrus limon, 2 Citrus sinensis, 1 Citrus aurantium, 3 Magashepasma erythrochlamys, 1 Euphorbia pulcherrima, 2 Araucária angustifólia, 1 Prunus aviu |
How many: | 22 |