There are right and wrong ways to plant your tree. Following correct planting procedures helps ensure your tree’s health.
Choose the right tree for the right site
You want trees that grow well in the soil, moisture, and temperature of your neighborhood. To get the best results, consider each tree individually against your situation and needs:
- Height. You do not want your tree bumping into anything when it is fully grown.
- Canopy spread. You need to be able to accommodate how wide the tree will grow.
- Deciduous or evergreen. If you are considering a tree that loses its leaves, are you prepared for the cleanup and the barrenness?
- Form or shape. Do you want a columnar tree that will grow in less space or do you want a round and V-Shaped species which provides the most shade?
- Growth rate. How long will it take for your tree to reach maturity? What is your hurry? Slow-growing species typically live longer than fast-growing species.
- Soil, sun, and moisture requirements for each tree and what you can offer.
- Fruit. Not only are unclaimed droppings messy, but they will also attract rodents and could be a slip and fall on busy sidewalks.
- Hardiness zone. What are the temperature extremes in which your tree can be expected to grow?
Consider trees for their function
- Beauty
- Fruit
- Windbreak
- Summer Shade
Choose a healthy tree. This is one that has a good number of roots in proportion to the tops. Check for signs of leaf injury from pests or diseases or trunk damage from mishandling.
Trees are sold in large national chain stores. Commonly, these have been grown in distant areas. Possibly, they may not be acclimated to your area. Due to your due diligence, consider native trees versus exotics. A native tree is a tree that has not been introduced by man. It occurs naturally.
- They are perfect for providing food and shelter for wildlife and for manufacturing oxygen both for humans and animals.
- They are said to resist pests better and are easier to maintain.
- They are better adapted so they are less stressed by climate extremes.
- Locally proven non-natives.
To avoid the introduction of aggressive species that may become pests, you want to choose non-native trees with care. Locally proven non-natives can help accomplish the goals of natives such as reducing maintenance.
A tree-planting guide
We have developed a tree-planting guide “to help you with your tree-planting endeavors”.
In this guide, you’ll find useful information including:
- Necessary equipment
- When to plant
- Choosing the right tree
- Planting the right way
- After care
To accomodate our global community, and thanks to our partners at Fundação JMJ Lisboa 2023, we have made the guide available in five different languages (English, Portuguese, Spanish, German, and Italian).
If you would like to have the guide translated into your language, reach out to us at