December is universally considered the month of giving. It revolves around people making a difference in society by helping others.
We are inviting you to help the Global Tree Initiative (GTI) during this month of giving. Helping the GTI helps our One Universal Family.
In as little as two years, we have connected planters from 51 different countries. Together, we have planted 277,774 trees and counting. This happened with a team of volunteers, plus one modestly paid contractor (for the last seven months).
To enhance our efforts, we need to bring on another paid contractor. During our GIVING DECEMBER campaign, we hope to continue to raise enough funds towards this goal. With an additional set of hands dedicated to our project on a full-time basis, we can connect even more planters and projects globally!
Connecting planters from around the world and forming a global tree-planting community is just one of our projects. We have directly facilitated funding for tree-planting projects in Nepal, the UK, and Zimbabwe. We are working on reaching more countries and forming more partnerships.
Please support our fundraiser this month. Give a financial donation; share our fundraiser with your friends and family. When you donate to the GTI in the name of someone, we will provide you with a certificate suitable for holiday gift-giving
“…let’s remember that we depend on each other and that to meet the challenge of climate change, we have to work together.” – The Dalai Lama.
Support our Facebook fundraiser!
Or donate on our website here!